Incident Management

Every organisation needs to be able to respond professionally, effectively, efficiently and appropriately to any adverse situation which threatens to disrupt its critical activities. A team needs to be designated responsibility for mounting this response and maintaining continuity of business. The name of the team varies, for example, Incident Management Team, Business Continuity Team, Crisis Management Team. It is important the team must have a clear and concise escalation process which ensures that threats are escalated quickly to management by those who discover them, otherwise serious delay can occur before the response is mobilised, which can put the organisation in jeopardy.

The split between emergency response, which focuses on the cause of the incident (“putting out the fire”), and business continuity, which focuses on the effects of the incident (“maintaining continuity of business”) must be clear otherwise responders will focus on managing the emergency and forget about keeping the business going.

Those charged with responding to incidents must have a simple but effective incident management process to follow which supports decision making and helps to manage the large amount of information which responders receive. Without such a process, information can be mismanaged and responders tend to problem solve and grab at solutions without fully analysing the incident as they must do. Teed has developed a tried and tested process specifically designed for this purpose.

How can Teed help?

Teed is able to design an appropriate incident management response for your organisation, taking into account the degree to which you need to manage emergencies which threaten human life.

We can develop an incident management plan to suit your specific needs. We can offer formal training for team members so that they understand fully their roles and responsibilities before an incident occurs and can use the incident management process effectively.

We can exercise your team to validate your post incident coping strategies, validate the contents of your response plan and allow the responders to role play in a safe environment and increase their awareness of what to do and when to do it.